This month was a little late to start for me. I didn't think I would be able to read the books I was able to read. I am so happy I was able to read the 10 books I got to read. I had so many ARCs this month. There are some new favorites and some good ones too in this month's list. How did your reading go this month? Do you have any favorites? Let me know in the comment section down below.
Scarlet Odyssey is an epic fantasy debut from the first-time author C.T.Rwizi. The book is an African inspired fantasy filled with a vibrant world and a rich magic system. The story follows young Salo who has learned magic deeply without his tribe's permission. Men of his trib are not supposed to be practicing magic. Their job is to be warriors and training should be what Salo should be spending his time on. A certain mystic attacks his tribe murdering fellow clans people urging Salo to come forward and request permission from the Queen to be a clan mystic for his tribe. While the Queen accepts his proposal he is sent…