• Monthly-wrap-up-featured-image


    Hello, fellow bookworms! How are you all doing? I don't know what's wrong with me, but I have been in a weird kind of reading slump that I don't even know how to get out of. Add to that a busy schedule of home-chores, kids, their schools, and exams, I am mentally drained by the end of the day. I have been so busy that I don't even know what to say. This month I planned to read 10 books. I know, I am late...Very late with this post... I apologize for my tardiness.. I am blaming my funk on this one...



    Hey guys!! How are you all doing? I hope you guys had a great reading month this February. I wasn’t sure about the number of books I will be able to read. I am glad I was able to get to these books. I read 7 books this month. I had 1 paperback copy, 3 ARCs from Netgalley, 1 from the Edelweiss+, one from a publisher and another from the RABT book tours. I had a good reading month and I am happy to present you with the books I read and the FBRC ratings. Thank you Netgalley, Reign Publishing, Jennifer Anne Davis, RABT book tours and Edelweiss+ for providing…