A Quest Style Coming-Of-Age Fantasy !! Springtide Harvest By JD Mitchell | Book Review
Hi everyone!! I am back with another video. Today I am going to be reviewing a wonderful and engaging coming-of-age fantasy, Springtide Harvest by JD Mitchell. This is the first book in an unnamed series and was so much fun to read and I really liked the character-driven story we got to enjoy in this book.
Light Fighters is the second book in the Star Children Saga. If you have read Moon Deeds, then you know this is a brilliantly executed science fiction fantasy that combines the elements from both genres seamlessly. I really enjoyed Moon Deeds and had a wonderful time with it. The ending had me picking this one up right after finishing it because I just couldn't wait to find out what happened after that cliffhanger ending. Light Fighters picks up right after where we left off in Moon Deeds and does a fantastic job of bringing together a wonderful story, expanding upon the already established world, and history, and adding so much…
Moon Deeds by Palmer Pickering is the first book in the Star Children Saga. This is a science fiction fantasy that brilliantly combines science fiction and fantasy elements with a futuristic and dystopian fiction bent to it.
Shadow Of The Winter Moon By Cam Sinclair | Spoiler-Free Review
Hey everyone!! Today’s video is a dedicated book review for Shadow Of The Winter Moon by Cam Sinclair. This was a crazy and twisted ride and is not for the faint-hearted. This debut novel is a filthy grimdark fantasy and sets the stage with the right tone, themes, style and characterizations for the upcoming books. Highly recommend checking it out if you enjoy reading dark fiction or dark fantasy..
An Epic Masterpiece !! Slaughtered Gods (The Hanged God #3) By Thilde Kold Holdt | BOOK REVIEW | The Write Reads Book Tour
Slaughtered Gods is the 3rd and final book in The Hanged God Trilogy, and boy oh boy, what an ending this was! This book ended on a grand note and was the perfect finale for this remarkable series. It is impressive how Thilde has managed to carry this story forward and pull us in for the entire ride without losing the momentum or quality of the book. I am craving more Norse fiction now that I have finished this epic series. This series is one of the best, and one of the most underrated Norse fantasies out there in my opinion, and deserves all the love. I am actually shocked…
An Epic Fantasy Comedy?? The Crew By Sadir S Samir | Non-Spoiler Review
Hi everyone! Today's video is a dedicated book review for The Crew by Sadir S Samir. So I received the ebook from the author in exchange for an honest review. This was the most fun I have had in a while while reading a fantasy book. I was looking for something that was entertaining and fun and this delivered all of that and so much more. Hilarious and funny with lots of laugh out loud moments with the craziest bunch of characters you will ever meet to great non-stop action and a new world this book will entertain you from beginning to end. Make sure to check out my full review…
A Perfect Continuation Of A Norse Epic!! Shackled Fates (The Hanged God #2) By Thilde Kold Holdt | BOOK REVIEW | The Write Reads Book Tour
Shackled Fates is a brilliant continuation of the epic Norse Saga in The Hanged God Trilogy. The more I read Thilde's work the more in love I am with her storytelling. This book starts from where we left off and can be seen in the way the chapters are numbered. I love that it feels like this one epic tale and I am pretty sure it will be talked about for years to come. It has that special quality and uniqueness that stands out and Thilde with this book has become an auto-buy author for me. It has that timeless and otherworldly sense to it.
An Underhyped Epic Fantasy debut y’all need to pick up!! Northern Wrath (The Hanged God #1) By Thilde Kold Holdt | BOOK REVIEW | The Write Reads Book Tour
A Norse epic that encompasses the Viking life & culture in its full glory. This book has an otherworldly feel to it with the overwhelming presence of God's, Giants , Dwarves, elfs and mythical beasts. Highly recommend!!
A highly imaginative and immersive debut fantasy !! Beckoning Of The Gate By Benjamin J Ryan | BOOK REVIEW
Hi everyone! Today's video is a dedicated book review for Beckoning Of The Gate by Benjamin J Ryan. So I received the ebook from the author in exchange for an honest review. This was such an immersive and atmospheric read with a slow quest-like story and a lot of eldritch creatures and magic. I had a great time reading it. Make sure to check out my full review on Youtube. Hope you enjoy the video.
I finally got around to reviewing Nexus Point. It was first planned for the book tour I did with Escapist Book Tours, but the book was late to arrive and so I had to postpone it. I had a good time with it and am excited to continue on with the series, especially after that epilogue. It did have certain things that didn't work very well for me. If you want to know more of my thoughts on this book, make sure to check out my full non-spoiler review on my Youtube Channel.