What set the Muslims apart from the Hebrews, the Christians, and the Quraysh was the strict prohibition against initiating a conflict and the requirement to cease fighting the moment the enemy surrendered.
TITLE : Why do they hate us? Making peace with the Muslim world.
AUTHOR : Steve Slocum
GENRE : Non-fiction, Religion & Spirituality, Politics
FBRC RATING : 4.5 stars
With Americans still in shock after watching packed airliners slam into the twin towers, George W. Bush asked America, “Why do they hate us?”
After 9/11, the world became more fearful, and acts of terrorism were prominent in the news cycles. In Why Do They Hate Us?, author Steve Slocum takes the spotlight off the extremists and instead exposes the heart of the everyday Muslim through Christian outreach.
Why Do They Hate Us? brings the story of Mohammed to life and unveils the storied history of Islam with refreshing detail. Slocum clears up common misconceptions about jihad, Sharia law and the role of women in Islam. He then connects the dots for readers of all faiths between cause and effect for the rise in Islamophobia. Finally, Slocum suggests practical ways to overcome societal fears by face-to-face interaction with our Muslim neighbors.
Why Do They Hate Us? is sprinkled with stories from the lives of everyday Muslims and anecdotes from Slocum’s time in Kazakhstan, allowing the reader to catch a glimpse of a different side of Muslims than portrayed in the media.
“Before reading this book I knew very little about Islam despite a pastoral career. I now feel like I know much more. It left me with a hunger to befriend Muslims.” – Pastor Martha Freeman, M.Div.
DISCLAIMER : I received an ARC( advance review copy) of this book for free from NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you, NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC of this book.
I loved this book. I gave it 4.5 stars. I believe this is one of the most insightful books written by a Non-Muslim about Muslims. I loved how he structured the book and how the content flowed from one chapter to the other. The story of Prophet Mohammed(PBUH) was written to bring attention to the man Muslims admire and follow. The way the story progresses helps Non-Muslims to understand our Prophet, his life and everything he stood for. I was amazed by the amount of research and effort put into this book to bring forward the kind of information you don’t see normally discussed among Non-Muslims. The history of the places and the conflicts that have taken place in the Arab world helps people understand the situations and circumstances Muslims have gone through.
I am not 100% sure of the characterization of the Caliphs and their motives described in the book. But the background info and the political issues and the religious influence will shed light on some of the incidents that happened after the death of the Prophet. I am glad and I respect Slocum’s dedication to bringing forward the story of the Muslims and the Arab world respectfully and astutely delivering facts with references.
Slocum’s desire for peace is very evident in this book. The stories of his stay in Kazakhstan and his experiences with Muslims helps in providing a positive picture for the day-to-day American who are misinformed by the media. I believe strongly that this book is a step in the right direction for educating the public and will open doors for future inter-faith dialogues. The book will provide Americans with a clear perception of the Arab world and the Muslims in the Non-Arab world as well.
Slocum stresses the fact that American foreign policy, CIA cover operations have contributed to a wide range of injustice and cruelty against Muslims disrupting their freedom to live in peace. I admire his strength and honesty to admit the mistakes the American Government is responsible for in foreign soil under the guise of delivering freedom. The lack of empathy and compassion showed by American officials and the blind eye they turn towards countries that
commit atrocities is disgusting and appalling. I am glad he is willing to call out Americans for their hypocrisy while urging them to make changes to not just provide peace but also in maintaining it.
All you need to know about terrorism, other-ism, suicide bombings, ISIS, Taliban and other so-called Islamic terrorist organizations is in this book. We get to see what motivates people like them, the ones who do not hesitate to take lives of innocent people. IS it religious teachings or political problems? Is Islam violent or not? The answers to these questions are laid out bare in this book. reading this book will give you a brief but concise History lesson and also some Theology lesson with quite a bit of Geography lesson added to it. It’s beneficial and crucial in understanding a whole group of innocent individuals.
The book will tear apart a lot of misconceptions an average American might have about Islam and the various aspects associated with Islam. I loved how Slocum with clear and straightforward language helps with Quranic verses that are often misquoted in the media. He provides not just context but also draws attention to verses in the Bible that might cause issues as well. Why do they hate us? will dismantle all the erroneous notions that you might have build in your mind about Muslims.
A must-read for all people and especially for Americans who are not familiar with Muslims and have deep-seated fear and prejudice towards them. This book will help you understand them and even relate to them. This book is essential and extremely important for anyone who has even the slightest twinge of hatred for Muslims. I guarantee that after reading this book your perceptions and understanding about Muslims as a whole will change forever. You will never be the same person after reading this book and this book will change your lives for the better. Hopefully, it will be helpful in education about Muslims and will help you comprehend who these people are, where they come from, what they believe in, what do they want out of lives?? This book needs to be distributed in classes and community centers and places as such to provide a better picture for Americans.
I’ll leave you with what Muslim’s responses were to what Americans or the West should do to improve relations with Muslims..
Demonstrate more Respect..
Demonstrate more Consideration..
Do not underestimate the status of Arab/ Muslim countries..
Demonstrate more understanding of Islam as a religion..
Do not downgrade What Islam stands for..
– Why do they hate us? Making peace with the muslim world