I read 6 books this month. I am so happy to tell you guys all about the books and my favorites of this month. This month I had a good reading month with all of the books being very much enjoyable and things I want to recommend to everyone. I read 3 fantasy/sci-fi, 2 historical fiction, and one non-fiction. Here are the star ratings -
Hey guys!! How are you all doing? I hope you guys had a great reading month this March. I wasn't sure about the number of books I will be able to read with everyone being home. I am just happy and grateful to be able to complete these books. Keep on reading to see the book I read in the month of March.
These are some of my most anticipated February 2020 releases. I will be adding all the images of the books and a small blurb for the books. I'll link the images to the Goodreads page for the books as well. You can click on the image to take you to the Goodreads page if you are interested in adding any of these books to your TBR. .