BOOKISH PROMPTS WITH @kristinas_shelves

Bookish Prompts is my version of a fun interview with fellow book obsessed people on the internet. Today’s episode of Bookish Prompts is with fellow bookstagrammer and blogger Kristina. I have known Kristina for some time now and she is one of the most lovely and wonderful person I have met on bookstagram. Her bookstagram is a great place to read book reviews, book recommendations and book spotlights. Also her bookstagram aesthetic is fantastic, she reads most genres and always have a variety of books showcased on her bookstagram. Make sure to check her out and follow her for more bookish content.

Here is my Q & A with her. Hope you enjoy!!
Let’s get into the questions –
1. Tell us a little about yourself and your bookish habits.
Hey, I’m Kristina. A thirty-something operating department practitioner who works for the NHS. In my own time I read a lot of books, and like most of my bookish friends, I have two addictions –
1. Reading and 2. Buying books!
One of my worst bookish habits is leaving a series unfinished for years on end, as I don’t like series to end. I also use anything as bookmarks!
2. What’s your reading ritual like?
My reading ritual is very chaotic, I can be reading anything between 1-5 books at a time. When I’m not working I can be reading at any point during the day, however, struggle to pick up a book after a work day.
3. How has your reading journey been like?
It’s been all over the place. I read a lot as a child but when I hit my teens I didn’t read anything for years. I picked reading up again seriously in my early twenties.
4. You have done so many fun and entertaining reels on your page. What is the one new thing you discovered about yourself after you started making reels. Also how effective do you think reels are in making readers discover/pick up new books?
I love making reels now. Since I’ve grown my Instagram page I’ve found my confidence has grown. I’ve always been pretty shy, and putting myself out there making reels has helped me blossom. However, I do think Instagram has put too much pressure on people to create reels, and should understand that not all people enjoy making them.
5. Your ideal reading place?
My ideal reading place is always my sofa. I can curl up on there all day.
6. What does your dream personal library look like?
I think like most, the library from Beauty and the Beast would be perfect.
7. 5 books you wish you could read for the first time again?
I’d love to read The Clockwork Princess, A Hidden Fire, Strange the Dreamer, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and A Court of Mist and Fury again for the first time.
8. 5 books you would love to say no to?
5 books I wouldn’t pick up? Hmm. I won’t pick up any of the Harry Potter books ever again. That makes seven.
9. Books that changed your mindset or life drastically.
This is really interesting! I’d have to say number one The Golden Compass because it reignited my love for reading. Where the Forest Meets the Stars, Against the Loveless World, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and The Poppy War.
10. Bookish worlds you would love to live in?
Let’s go with the autumn court in Prythian. I adore autumn.
11. If you could start a new reading or bookish tradition, what would it be?
I’d love to be patient enough to tab my books, but I’m not ?. I’d also love to give a book to friends and family on Christmas Eve, that seems like a lovely tradition.
12. You are preparing a book bouquet for your family member, partner and friend. Which books would you add to each bouquet and why?
For my husband I’d make a bouquet out of the Red Rising books, because he loves anything related to space. He’d love these books if he gave them a try.
13. A standalone, series, and author you can’t stop recommending.
TAYLOR JENKINS REID! The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is spectacular! Shea Ernshaw is another author I will never stop recommending.
14. Favorite characters you would want in your inner circle and why?
Evelyn Hugo, Nesta, Will Herondale, Jamie Fraser, and Beatrice. Because each and everyone would be useful to have as friends.
15. If you could live as a bookish character for a day, who would it be and why?
Tessa Gray from The Infernal Devices, she’s a great character. Although, her abilities may be a little scary for me!
16. Genre you cannot live without.
Fantasy, whether it’s YA or Adult.
17. Bookish pet peeves.
One of my pet peeves is when people say listening to audiobooks isn’t reading!
18. Tropes you would kill to read and tropes you would avoid at any cost.
I’m a sucker for the fake dating trope and there is only one bed. The worst trope for me is chosen one.
19. 5 quotes that live rent free in your head.
Small places make for small lives. And some people are fine with that. They like knowing where to put their feet. But if you only walk in other people’s steps, you cannot make your own way. You cannot leave a mark.
Once upon a time an Angel and a devil fell in love. It did not end well.
We are all the pieces of what we remember. We hold in ourselves the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss.
It was impossible, of course. But when did that ever stop any dreamer from dreaming.
We need hope, or else we cannot endure.
20. Most shocking book and an unforgettable book that you have read.
Against the Loveless World shocked me so much, it was such a powerful read. I’ll never forget it.
21. Favorite and unforgettable bookish memory.
Rereading James and the Giant Peach multiple times as a child. It feels like the ultimate comfort read now.
22. Any strange bookish habits?
Reading multiple books at once, anything up to five at a time.
23. It’s book confession time…
I DNF’d Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.
24. Your ‘The Book Bucket List’.
To meet Laini Taylor or/and Shea Ernshaw.
25. Recommend 5 books that you could never get tired of recommending.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
A Hidden Fire
Strange the Dreamer
The Wicked Deep
A Clockwork Angel
Make sure to check out the links below –

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Priscilla Bettis
Kristina does have a lovely Bookstagram! One to five books at a time? I think I’d get lost with five stories all at once. Three is my usual max, and they have to be totally different genres. Great interview!
Fazila KP
She does! I have the tendency to multi-read as well. ?