Seeds Of War (The Smokesmiths #1) by João F. Silva | BOOK REVIEW - Fazila Reads
Seeds of War by Joao Silvia is the first book in the Smokesmith series, a brand-new epic fantasy series. I've been eager to read this book since I saw Joao talk about it on Steve's channel. His description of a single mother and a war veteran really piqued my curiosity. And so to say I was thrilled when I received an advance copy of the book would be an understatement. Having read Joao's short story earlier, I already knew I would enjoy his writing style. So I am happy to report that this book did meet my expectations. This was such a captivating story and I enjoyed reading it, just as I had anticipated. Seeds Of War is a multi-POV, character-driven fantasy featuring a bleak, dark, and gritty setting, unique and cool fantasy creatures, and a creative magic system. Keep an eye out for the magic system, because it was amazing!
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