TITLE : Get It Done: The 21-Day Mind Hack System to Double Your Productivity and Finish What You Start
AUTHOR : Michael Mackintosh
GENRE : Non-Fiction, Self-Help, Motivational/Inspirational, Personal Development, Productivity
FR RATING : ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(5 Stars)
DATE OF PUBLISHING : 25 September 2018
DISCLAIMER : Thank you, TCK publishing for providing me with an ARC of this book. I am leaving this review voluntarily.
2020 is in many ways was a new beginning for me. I have gotten into the habit of reading more consistently for the past two years. Keeping up with the habit has become challenging with the pandemic, having everyone around all the time, and also the kid’s schooling. With everything going on, like everyone else I had big plans for this year. Starting to learn new things, better myself as a person, try to incorporate learning new skills were the few on top of my list. Like every good-intentioned person, I started out with a bang and crashed and burned at the resistance that kept popping up in my life. Wanting to be more productive in other areas of my life is nothing new for me, as I keep making lists at the beginning of the year and abandoning them somewhere down the line. This is when I saw the title on the TCK publisher’s website. I had pushed reading this book, because of prior engagements and got delayed even further. If there is one person in this whole world who needs this book, that’s me. Because PROCRASTINATION has become my last name as of late.
I am not an avid non-fiction reader. With me branching out into other genres after I started my reviewing journey, I have had a vested interest in self-help books for some time now. I want to better myself and it’s the number one goal in my life. So every day is a day full of potential and a day for new beginnings for me. This is where Get It Done : The 21-Day Mind Hack System to Double Your Productivity and Finish What You Start, comes into play.
Michael Mackintosh has consolidated some of the key concepts of productivity into a working template that can be tailored to facilitate the new routines that will help us get things done in 21 days. The book is divided into 3 parts with the first part taking us through 11 mind hacks to help us realign our perspectives and get a clearer picture of what we want. The strategies that are given to us in part 2 is the 21-day challenge with techniques and steps to help us get closer to our goals. Part 3 sums up everything by bringing together the components that are part of the recipe for ultimate success. Mackintosh has obviously taken the time to deconstruct the key ideas and develop a winning formula that is not only easy to understand and follow, it also is very practical. Each step is painstakingly detailed and the devil is in the details. I would recommend taking 21 days to get the prep work for the goal-setting using the templates in the book. The attention to detail and reiterating of certain concepts helps us with holding on to the important aspects of the process.
The key components that make up the foolproof formula can be tailored to help with our individual needs. Whether you work in an office or from home, doing this challenge is guaranteed to take you one step closer to accomplishing your goals. It also can be used by everyone who is looking to fulfill goals but has failed to do so because of resistance or procrastination. Beating procrastination at its game is one of the many things we get to learn through this book. Changing our perspective on time management, the 80/20 principle all are explained in detail breaking them down into bite-size chunks that is easy to follow through.
Mackintosh is a successful life coach and you get to see the same energy throughout the book, The book feels like a motivational read with the author’s voice leading and cheering us through the challenges. I loved how easy to read this book was, and how simple and straightforward the concepts were. One would almost think that some of the main concepts were so obvious that how did we miss them in the first place. You are probably going to see a lot of the recurring concepts and theories of productivity in this book. Having said that, Mackintosh has combined the strategies in a way it’s not only easy to remember the concepts, it’s also something that’s can be used on a daily basis to achieve periodic goals that will have a compounding effect. He explains to us what has not worked and why and he also gives us a working solution to the problem. It helps immensely when the strategies are uncomplicated to remember, but the acronyms make it simple and straightforward. The biggest attraction for me was the details, the clarity of the concepts, and the breakdown of strategies into comprehensive templates.
If you are someone who is looking to create habits and routines that will help us get on track to creating a better life, this book should be on top of your list. I loved this book. It’s filled with so much information, strategies, and working templates that I enjoyed every second of it. I took so many notes and if you guys want a breakdown of the chapters or a chapter summary, please let me know. I am thrilled to take this make and use it for helping me achieve my goals. It was a beneficial book and inspired me to take charge and not give up. I gave the book 5 stars and I highly recommend checking it out. Want to change your life and make long-lasting positive impressions, get this book now and start working on your 21-day challenge to transform your life drastically.
Buy Get It Done –
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If You Only Had 21 Days Left to Live, What Would You Want to Accomplish Before You Go?
Bringing your most important ideas to life isn’t easy. If you find yourself procrastinating, too busy to get your most important work done, or not sure how to get started, something needs to change before it’s too late.
You’re only going to live for a set number of years, and once your time is up you won’t be able to check off your bucket list, accomplish that important goal, or achieve your dreams. So how can you possibly be too busy to get the most important things in life done?
If you’re honest with yourself, you probably have a seemingly endless list of excuses—too busy, too tired, too… But deep down, there is a nagging feeling that something’s wrong, and you know you could be further along in your work than you are now—if only you just did what you knew you needed to do.
The truth is life is complex, there will always be more work to do, and nothing you can do will change that. What you can do is learn a better system for dealing with life’s complexity so you can handle it well.
That means you’ll finally be able to get your most important work done faster and easier than ever before.
This book is for you if …
You’re overwhelmed, overworked, and wanting more from life
You’re under-achieving and under-delivering on your promises to yourself and others
You’re tired of your own excuses because you know you can do better
You want more freedom, more income, and more impact
You have important work to do before you leave this world
And most importantly…
You’re up for the challenge of achieving your biggest goals in life!
My Big Promise
I believe you could be at least 10 times more successful than you currently are. All you need to make this huge leap in productivity is to pay attention to what really matters, stay focused on your most important project, and stop wasting time working in the weeds (you know, those things you do that aren’t getting you where you want to go in life).
I believe you have greatness within you. You have an important message to share and many lives to change. Once you get rid of those ineffective working habits, excuses for holding back, and annoying voices in your head, you’ll be free to achieve your biggest goals and projects in life fearlessly—faster than you ever thought possible.
Today Can be the Day That Everything Changes for You
This book is designed to get you results in your business and life by giving you the systems, tools, and mindset you need to bring your biggest ideas and most important projects to life in 21 days or less.
By reading and applying the principles you’re about to learn, you’ll be able to:
Start Projects you’ve been putting off
Finish projects you’ve started but stalled on
Ship your work (get it out of your head, off your laptop, and into the world where it’s meant to be)
Make more money (by completing projects that add massive value to the world)
And 10x your productivity…
…in 21 Day

Priscilla Bettis
Good review. Sounds like an encouraging book!
Fazila KP
Thank you Priscilla for the feedback. It really is inspiring!